森美兰建造行 Negeri Sembilan Builders’ Guild Persatuan Pembinaan Negeri Sembilan


Negeri Sembilan Builders’ Guild

Persatuan Pembinaan Negeri Sembilan

地址 / Address:

No. 13, Tingkat 2, Jalan Kong Sang, 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

Tel. & Fax 电话/传真: 06-7623514: 05-2549986

Email 电邮: [email protected]

Website/网站: http://nskinchohong.gbs2u.com

(一) 名称


(二) 地址


(三) 宗旨


(b) 研究工艺,增进知怾,提高技木水平。

(c) 调解行友纠纷,介绍职业。

(d) 提高教育及文娱康乐活动。

(e) 联合全国各建造行共谋发展建筑事业,加强同业亲善团结为宗旨。

(四) 资格


(五) 入行办法

(a) 凡申请入行者须填具志愿书,由行友一人介绍,贝占堂14天,无人反对,且须得理事会通过批准。如不获批准,无须解释理由。

(b) 被批准入行者须缴交入行基金RM200.00,成为永久行友。

(c) 非建筑同业以及与建筑业无关者,介绍人不得介绍申箭加入为行友,得理事会恳邀担任名誉理事长或名誉监事长者则另当别论。

(六) 义务


(七) 杈利

(a) 入行满一年者才佣有选举杈及被选杈。

(b) 如有喜庆事得借用本行礼堂,如有破坏时须负责修理或赔偿。

(c) 患疾病或遇困难时得请求理事会征求行友自由乐助之。

(d) 本行得设立行友子女学业成绩优良奖励金或助学金,惟须入行满一年者始可接受申请,其细则由理事会订定之。

(八) 纪律


(九) 组织


(a) 理事会执行同人大会议决案及日常行务遇有必要时理事会得设立临时委员会人选不限理事凡属行友均得荐任处理临时事务。

(b) 事务办完后,临时委员会六十日内自动解散,或事情未办完理事会有杈解散之。惟同人大会直接产生者则由同人大会决定之。

(c) 于每届选举年时,理事会须于三个月前成立五人选举委员会,处理选举事宜。

(十) 会议

(a) 同人大会每年五月前召开,通知书须于二星期前发出。

(b) (1) 遇有特别事情发生,理事长得慈时召开紧急同人大会,通知书须于一星期前发出,并须列明议程。
(2) 如行友发现理事长行为不妥时,有卅人联名事会召开会议检讨或弹劾之,惟该卅人需要人数出席及发出传单最少一星期方为合法,定人数当流会论,再次要求召开需要六个月不得讨论修改章程及有损行友杈益事要求理四份三未足法后。惟不得讨论修改章程及有捐行友权益事。

(c) 同人大会出席人数以行友总数之一半或两倍理事会人数 (25 x 2 = 50),视何者为少。未足法定人数时可延迟两小时,复会后所召开之会议,出席人数不论多寡亦作合法论,惟不得讨论修改章程及有损行友杈益事

(d) 理事会议每月十五日之后召开,出席人数以理事会人数之一半方为合法,通知书须于一星期前发出。

(e) 特别委员会每次以过半数之委员出席方为合法,并须列明议程。

(十一) 任期


(十二) 选举

(a) 于每届选举年时,同人大会选出下届理事廿五名,候补理事


理事长: 一名

署理理事长: 一名

副理事长: 一名

副总务: 一名

财政: 一名

副财政: 一名

常务监事: 一名

中文书: 一名

西文书: 一名

外务: 二名

康乐组: 二名

查账: 二名

调查: 二名

理事: 五名

(b) 选举采用提名方式,被提名者必须本身接受提名并出席选举,且拥有提议人及附议人方可参选

(c) 选举将以不记名方式投票,选票需盖有本行之印章。

(d) 会员需亲临会场领取选票,并即席投票。

(十三) 同人大会之杈力

(a) 取决重大事项及提案。

(b) 制定及修改章程。

(c) 审定理事会议决案及接纳每年账目报告。

(十四) 理事会之职杈

(1) 理事长:

(a) 对内监督一切,负责聘任受薪职员,但须得理事会通过 聘任之。

(b) 对外代表本行。

(c) 开会时为当然主席。

(d) 执行本行一切议决案及签押支票与其他文件。

(e) 保管本行正印及地契与重要文件。

(f) 如紧急开销可动用公款不超过RM 1000/

(g) 如有需要可召开特别会员大会解决财务同题。

(2) 署理理事长


(3) 副理事长:

(a) 协助正理事长及署理理事长办理各事宜

(b) 正理事长或署理理事长缺席时可代行使其职权。

(4) 正总务:

(a) 管理行中日常事务,监督受薪雇员工作。

(b) 领导及办理戾吊事宜。

(c) 连同理事长,财政签押本行支票与其他文件单据等

(d) 如有紧急应用时,可动用公款不超过RM500/=。倘若超



(5) 副总务:


(6) 正财政:

(a) 负责本行一切进支款项,签押支票及收支单据。

(b) 所有存款须于七日内存入指定之银行户头,定期存款须存入银行或银行附属金融部,一切开销用支票支付。

(c) 向银行提款时,须有正理事长或署理理事长任何一人,正副总务任何一人,正副财政任何一人,合共三人联合签署方为有效。

(d) 须向理事会报告每月进支账目。

(e) 须准备年结账目,由查账查核后,寄发各行友。





(a) 代表本行出席合法社团活动。

(b) 代表本行到外地,来往车资膳宿可由公款开销。

(c) 如因私事阻延日期不得借端升支公款。

(d) 联络内外感情。



(10) 康乐组:





(11) 常务监事:


(12) 查账:

(a) 审核本行一切进支账目,每月查账一次兼签押证明之。

(b) 对本行如查出有不符合或舞弊等情须向理事会报告,倘 不接受时,查账员两人可联名提呈大会弹劾之。

(c) 如有隐瞒不报应由查账员 负 责之。

(13) 调查



(十五) 候补


(十六) 产业管理人

(a) 本行之不动产必须注册在本行名下,所有关于本行产业之契


(b) 所有本行之不动产,未经同人大会通过同意及授杈,不得转让,售卖,抵押,作为担保,或以其他方法处置。

(十七) 解散

(a) 本行之解散不得少过五份之三(3 /5)行友人数出席所召开之同人大会,表示赞成方为有效。

(b) 遇本行按照上述(a)项规定而需解散时,本行所负之合法债项须清还之。其剩余之款项悉数捐献予慈善机构。

(c) 解散之通知书须由解散日起十四日内向社团注册官呈报。

(十八) 禁忌

(a) 本行严禁在行内吸食毒品及携带娼妓或不良份子入内。

(b) 下列各类赌博严禁在行内举行:红桃烟士,轮盘,寻宝乐, 番摊,宝,八面百兰加博戏,牌九,天九,十二枝,三张,廿一点,卅一点,十点半,所有色仔博戏及赃家以及赌彩。

(c) 本行或行友皆不一得在行内做生意,以免抵触一九五九年商联会条例之限制。

(e) 本行不论理事或行友皆不准在行内发行彩票。

(f) 本行绝对不能在行中搞政治活动或任何政治宣传。

(十九) 附则

(a) 如发生非为本行章程规定在内之任何问题,理事会有杈处理之。

(b) 本行章程须由行友大会通过,并为本行一切行政上之遵循

(c) 本章程内各节如有未尽善处,得由同人大会增删之,惟须呈报马来西亚社团注册官,批准后方为有效。


召集人: 王坤德(己故)

委员 : 梁禄初苏宁德黄振旺



The name of this society shall be "NEGERI SEMBILAN KIN CHO HONG (BUILDERS’ GUILD)" (hereinafter referred to as "the Guild").
The registered office and place of meeting of the Guild shall be at No: 13, Jalan Kong Sang, Seremban and shall not be changed without the prior approval in writing of the Registrar of Societies.
The object of the Guild shall be:
(a)To foster goodwill among its members.
(b)To study and increase knowledge and techniques relating to be building
construction industry.
(c)To settle differences among its members with the written consent from both
parties concerned and to recommend employment for its members.
(d) To promote the standard of education and various sporting and recreational
(e) To co-operate with the Kin Cho Hong of the other States of Malaysia relating
to construction development and to create better understanding and unity
among persons connected with the building construction industry.
All Malaysian citizens engaged whether as employers or employees in the building construction industry irrespective of sex resident in the State of Negeri Sembilan attaining eighteen years of age but not above fifty five years of age at the date Of application for membership shall be eligible for membership.
(a)An applicant shall fill in an application form duly proposed by a member, which
will then be posted on the notice board within the premises of the Guild for 14
days. If there is no objections from the members after the expiry of 14 days, and
the application is approved by the Management Committee, he/she shall be
admitted as a member of the Guild. No reasons shall be given for rejected
(b)Approved member shall be required to pay an entrance fee of RM200/= to
become a life member.
(c)Any person not engaged or involved in the building construction industry shall
not be recommended to apply for membership; unless invited by the Management Committee to hold the position of Honorary Director or Honorary Supervisor.
No limitation of amount for donation to commemorate annual ancestral Teachers Day. Separate payments shall be collected for any celebration held.
Every member shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges, namely:
(a)To elect and be elected provided he or she has been a member for more
than one year.
(b)To borrow the Guild's assembly hall, tables and chairs to be used for
celebrations provided that the borrowing member shall repair or replace any
items damaged.
(c)Members seeking personal aid from other members during the period of
illness or difficulty must obtain the approval of the Management Committee.
(d)After having been a member for a fully year, he or she shall be eligible to
apply for scholarship aid from the Guild for the education of his/her children
which shall be decided by the Management Committee.
All members of the Guild shall observe the rules and bye-laws of the Guild and to abide by the resolutions of all meetings.
A member who is guilty of damaging wilfully the reputation or the property of the Guild may have his privileges temporary freezed by the Management Committee and by resolutions of the General Meeting be deprived of his rights and privileges for five years or be expelled totally.
The highest authority of the Guild shall be vested in the General Meeting of members who shall elect members to form a Management Committee to deal with various duties and affairs of the Guild.
(a) The Management Committee shall have the duties and powers to carry out
the resolutions passed in the General Meeting, to manage the daily routine
work of the Guild and when necessary to appoint Sub-Committees consisting
of Committee and ordinary Members to deal with specific matters.
(b) Such Sub-Committees shall be automatically dissolved sixty days after its
appointment when matters have been completed or alternatively, shall be
dissolved as and when the Management Committee so decide. But this
ruling does not include those appointed by a General Meeting.
(c) During the year of election, the Management Committee shall 3 months
before the Election set up an Election Committee consisting of 5 members to
organize the election and deal with matters arising therefrom.
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Guild shall be held not later than the month
of may each year on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Management
Committee. Notice of meeting shall be sent to all members fourteen (14) days
prior to the meeting.
(b)(i)An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the
President and one-week notice specifying the object for which it is called shall be given to all members before the date of meeting.
(ii)An Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by not less than thirty (30) ordinary members with reasons stated for convening such a meeting shall be held by giving at least one-week notice from the date fixed for the meeting with a quorum of at least three quarter of the members signing such requisition. If no quorum is present, the meeting shall be dissolved and no Extraordinary General Meeting shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until after the lapse of six (6) months from the date thereof, wherein the members present shall not have power to amend the rules of the Guild or to make any decision affecting the rights and benefits of the whole membership.
(c) The quorum of any General Meeting shall be more than one-half (1/2) the
total number of members present or twice the total number of committee
members whichever is the lesser. If a quorum is not present at the time appointed for the meeting, such meeting shall be adjourned for two hours. If a quorum is not present at the adjourned meeting, the members present shall have power to proceed with the business but they shall have no power whatsoever to alter the rules of the Guild or to make decisions affecting the whole membership.
(d) A Committee Meeting shall be convened monthly after the 15th day of the month
and one-week notice before the date fixed for the meeting shall be given to the
members. One half (1/2) of the committee members present shall form a quorum.
(e)Sub-Committees formed shall have duties and powers delegated to them by the
Management Committee. Any meeting attended by one-half of the Sub-
Committee members shall be deemed as valid.
The term of all office-bearers shall be for three years and they shall be eligible for re-election with the exception of the Treasurer who shall not be eligible for reelection. The President and Honorary Secretary shall not hold the same position for two (2) consecutive terms.
(a) 25 Committee Members and 4 reserves shall be elected for three (3) years at the
Annual General Meeting and within two weeks after the election those elected
Committee Members shall be re-elected amongst themselves to hold the
following officers, namely:-
1 President
1 Deputy President
3 Vice-Presidents
1 Honorary Secretary
1 Honorary Assistant Secretary
1 Honorary Treasurer
1 Honorary Assistant Treasurer
1 Chinese Correspondence Secretary
1 English Correspondence Secretary
1 Recreation Officer
1 Assistant Recreation Officer
2 Social Officers
1 Supervisor
2 Honorary Auditors
2 Investigation Officers
5 Ordinary Committee Members
(b) Nomination method shall be used during the election. The candidate shall agree
to be nominated and attend the election. He/she shall be proposed by a member
and seconded by another member.
(c) Secret ballot shall be used during election. All ballot papers shall be stamped
with the Guild's chop.
(d) All members shall attend the election to collect the ballot papers and cast the
votes on the spot.
The General Meeting shall have following powers:-
(a)To resolve on any important matters and proposals relating to the Guild.
(b) To frame and amend the Rules and bye-laws of the Guild.
(c) To consider the resolutions and reports of the Management Committee and
to receive the report of the previous year's annual statement of account.
(a) He shall have supervision on all matters of the Guild and have powers to
employ paid staff subject to the approval of the Management Committee.
(b) He shall represent the Guild in external affairs.
(c) He shall act as Chairman at all meetings.
(d) He shall carry out all decisions and sign all cheques and other documents.
(e) He shall keep in safe custody the official Seal and Titles of all immovable
properties belonging to the Guild.
(f) He shall approve and authorize any special expenditure not exceeding
RM1,000/= with the prior consent of the Management Committee.
(g) He shall convene Extraordinary General Meetings when necessary and
decide on financial problems.
(2)Deputy President:
He shall assist the President in all his duties and in his absence shall chair all
(3)Vice President:
(a) He shall assist the President and Deputy President in carrying out all the
affairs of the Guild.
(b) He shall deputies for the President and Deputy President in their absence
in all matters.
(4)Honorary Secretary:
(a) He shall manage the daily routines of the Guild, supervise the paid
employees in their work and assist the Working Committee Members in
their duties.
(b) He shall organize all celebrations of the Guild.
(c) He shall together with the President and the Honorary Treasurer sign all
cheques for withdrawal and documents of the Guild.
(d) He may be authorized for any expenditure up to RM500/= for emergency
use but may disburse any sum exceeding RM500/= with the approval of
the President and the Treasurer. In every event, shall not exceed
(5)Honorary Assistant Secretary:
He shall assist the Hon. Secretary in carrying out his duties and shall act for him
in his absence.
(6)Honorary Treasurer:
(a)He shall be responsible for and to sign all cheques, receipts and
(b) He shall deposit all funds of the Guild within 7 days upon receiving into an
approved bank in the account of the Guild or in fixed deposit account with
any finance institution and all payments shall be made in cheques.
(c) Withdrawals from the bank shall be signed jointly by three of the following:
President or Deputy President, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Assistant
Secretary together with the Honorary Treasurer or Honorary Assistant
(d) He shall make monthly reports on the accounts of receipts and payments
of the Guild at Management Committee Meetings.
(e) He shall prepare an Annual Statements of accounts to be audited by the
Honorary Auditors and copy of such accounts shall be forwarded to all the
(7)Honorary Assistant Treasurer:
He shall assist the Honorary Treasurer in all his duties and shall act for him in his
(8)Social Officers:
(a) To represent the Guild at all social functions and activities.
(b) They shall attend outstation functions on behalf of the Guild and shall be
entitled for transport and accommodation claim.
(c) He shall hot be entitled to allowance for the period utilized to attend to
private matters.
(d) To foster internal and external friendly relations.
(9)Correspondence Secretaries:
They shall be responsible for drafting all Chinese, English and Malay
correspondence and documents and to keep records of the proceedings of all
(10)Recreation Officers:
He and his assistant shall be responsible to organize and carry out specific
functions relating to the various healthy literal and sporting recreations of the
Guild subject to the approval of the Management Committee. Members' children
and recommended friends can be co-opted to participate in the recreational
activities but shall not be considered as members of the Guild.
He shall supervise all affairs at Committee Meetings.
(12)Honorary Auditors:
(a) They shall be responsible to examine once a month all accounts of the
(b) They shall report to the Management Committee if the use of the Guild's
funds is not in accordance with the provisions of the organization of the
Guild and should the report be rejected, they may bring up the matter in
the Annual General Meeting.
(c) They shall be held responsible for any discrepancies in the accounts of the
Guild not reported to the Annual Management Committee.
(13)Investigation Officers:
They shall investigate all affairs of the Guild as well as to screen new applicants
when applying for membership and to report their findings to the Management
If any Management Committee Member resigns during his term of office, his vacancy shall be filled by the first reserve.
(a)The immovable properties of the Association shall be registered under the name
of the Association. All valid documents pertaining to the properties of the
Association shall be jointly signed by the President, Secretary General and the
Treasurer of the Association whose appointments are authorized by a certificate
of the Registrar of Societies and sealed with the seal of the Association.
(b)All immovable properties of the Association shall not be transferred, sold,
charged, pledged, otherwise disposed of without the prior consent and authority
of the General Meeting.
(a)The Guild shall only be dissolved with the consent of not less than three-fifth
(3/5) of the members of the Guild present at a General Meeting or Extraordinary
General Meeting duly convened for that purpose.
(b) In the event of the Guild being dissolved as provided in (a) above, all debts and
liabilities of the Guild lawfully incurred shall be fully discharged and the
remaining funds shall be donated to charity.
(c) Notice of dissolution must be given within fourteen (14) days of the dissolution to
the Registrar of Societies.
(a) Drugs, prostitution, and undesired characters are strictly prohibited into the
Guild's premises.
(b) None of the following games shall be played in the premises of the Guild:
Roulette, Lotto, Fan Tan, Poh, Peh Bin, Belangkai, Pai Kau, Tau Ngau, Tien
Kow, Chap Ji Kee, Sam Cheong, Twenty-one, Thirty-one, Ten and a half, All
games of dice, Banker's games and all games of mere chance.
(c) Neither the Guild nor its members shall attempt to restrict or in any other manner
interfere with the trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activities as
defined in the Trade Union Ordinance, 1959.
(d) The Guild shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in
the name of the Guild or its office-bearers, committee or member.
(e) The Guild shall not be engaged in politics and shall not be used for political
(a) In the event of any problem which is not covered by the Rules of the Committee
shall have power to use their discretion in deciding the issue.
(b) The Rules for the proper management of the Guild shall be duly approved by a
General Meeting of Members.
(c) If any addition or amendment to the Rules is required it shall be duly approved
by the General Meeting of Members and then shall be submitted to the Registrar
of Societies, Malaysia, for approval before it can become effective.




森美兰建造行 | Negeri Sembilan Builders’ Guild | Persatuan Pembinaan Negeri Sembilan
Address 地址:No. 13, Tingkat 2, Jalan Kong Sang,70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

Web design bywww.gbs2u.com